Tag Archive: Wayne Grudem

The role of the Holy Spirit within the Trinity
Posted August 26th, 2010 by Mike Hubbard

Once again we had several very good questions texted to us during the sermon Sunday.  I answered a few then, and am going to try to answer a couple more on the blog here. What is the Holy Spirit’s role in the Trinity? In his book Systematic Theology, Wayne Grudem says the work of the […]

Gender Roles – Other Resources
Posted August 9th, 2010 by Mike Hubbard

Sunday’s sermon on gender roles and the Bible probably raised a lot of questions and maybe even some disagreements.  So I have decided to post a lot of possible resources for study and interaction with the topic.  If this is a hot topic for you or an issue in which you would like to dive […]

Marks of a healthy church
Posted July 12th, 2010 by Mike Hubbard

The sermon yesterday dealt with the issue of denominations and the question as to why there are so many groups and churches.  The answer to this is a deep and complicated issue, but the core idea is that God is building his church, and in the end He has one people even though they meet […]