Tag Archive: Unprecedented – Advent 2020 - Page 2

Sermon Notes & Family Worship – December 13
Posted December 14th, 2020 by Mike Hubbard

Notes sheet from sermon from Matthew 1:18-20 on the virgin birth. Sermon 3 – Parents New City Catechism – Question #51 Song this week – Joy to the World/Our God Saves Our Advent Conspiracy emphasis this week is highlighting the International Mission Board

Sunday Service – December 13
Posted December 13th, 2020 by Mike Hubbard

Welcome to Genesis Church Worship Service Livestream for December 13.  This morning we are gathering in person at Blevins Elementary.   We are also honored to have you joining us online. Before we begin, you will need a few things.  So, grab your Bibles, or you can find our text for this morning linked below. Second, […]

Sermon Notes & Family Worship – December 6
Posted December 7th, 2020 by Mike Hubbard

Notes sheet from our first sermon in Unprecedented series on the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1:1-17. Sermon 2 — Family Tree New City Catechism – Question #50 Song this week – Sing we the Song of Emmanual We also sang the Begats song – which is a fun look at our text this week. […]

Jesus, the True and Better
Posted December 6th, 2020 by Mike Hubbard

In the sermon today I mentioned a quote by Tim Keller pointing out how Jesus is the fulfillment of all the promises, prophecies and pictures painted in the Old Testament.  Here’s the quote. “Jesus is the true and better Adam, who passed the test in the garden and whose obedience is imputed to us (1 […]

Sermon Notes & Family Worship – November 29
Posted November 30th, 2020 by Mike Hubbard

Notes sheet for sermon from our friend Evan Skelton from Bayless Church on Isaiah 9:1-5 Sermon 1 – People in Darkness New City Catechism – Question #49 Song this Week – Behold the Lamb of God Stared Advent Conspiracy this week