Tag Archive: The Southern Baptist Convention

Southern Baptists, Sexual Abuse, and Partnership
Posted May 25th, 2022 by Mike Hubbard

I have spent my whole life in the faith tribe called Southern Baptists.  Like any large network of churches, there are some really positive aspects and outcomes found in Gospel partnership.  I have mentioned before that our participation in the Gospel and giving through the mechanism called the Cooperative Program  (CP) results in our being […]

Baptist Faith & Message – Article 15, The Christian and the Social Order
Posted June 10th, 2020 by Mike Hubbard

Sharing this out today as a reminder of what our faith tribe, the Southern Baptist Convention believes.  The Baptist Faith & Message, 2000 is the confessional statement of beliefs that binds those involved in this denomination together.  Article 15 speaks to the reality that the Gospel should propel us toward justice and in opposition to […]

Southern Baptist leaders issue joint statement on the death of George Floyd
Posted June 3rd, 2020 by Mike Hubbard

The following is a statement composed and signed by a very wide group of leaders in the Southern Baptist Convention concerning the death of George Floyd.  We are part of this tribe, and I am grateful for the unified voice.  Wanted to share this out from our blog so you we could read it. As […]

The Caring Well Challenge – A Survivors Story from the Report on Sexual Abuse to SBC
Posted August 21st, 2019 by Mike Hubbard

We will be launching a very important initiative this Sunday as our church joins thousands of others participating in the Caring Well Challenge in order to protect children and make the church safe for those who have experienced sexual and other forms of abuse.  This challenge comes from the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission and […]

Sexual Abuse, #MeToo, and the Southern Baptist Moment
Posted June 18th, 2019 by Mike Hubbard

For the past year, the Southern Baptist Convention has been embroiled in controversy around the issue of sexual abuse.  At the annual gathering in June of last year these issues were brought to the forefront, with stories of predators, wolves cloaked as shepherds who moved from church to church, preying on the young and vulnerable.  […]