Tag Archive: The Caring Well Challenge

Southern Baptists, Sexual Abuse, and Partnership
Posted May 25th, 2022 by Mike Hubbard

I have spent my whole life in the faith tribe called Southern Baptists.  Like any large network of churches, there are some really positive aspects and outcomes found in Gospel partnership.  I have mentioned before that our participation in the Gospel and giving through the mechanism called the Cooperative Program  (CP) results in our being […]

Sermon Notes & Family Worship – August 25
Posted August 26th, 2019 by Mike Hubbard

Notes sheet from sermon about The Caring Well Challenge Sermon 10- Caring Well Caring Well Challenge website New City Catechism – Question #34 Song this week – I Stand Amazed A Few things from Caring Well Bulletin Insert from the service – CaringWellChallengeInsert_2upGRAY_071119 We showed this video:

The Caring Well Challenge – A Survivors Story from the Report on Sexual Abuse to SBC
Posted August 21st, 2019 by Mike Hubbard

We will be launching a very important initiative this Sunday as our church joins thousands of others participating in the Caring Well Challenge in order to protect children and make the church safe for those who have experienced sexual and other forms of abuse.  This challenge comes from the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission and […]