Tag Archive: Russell Moore

My Thoughts on a Crucial Moment for Southern Baptists
Posted March 13th, 2017 by Mike Hubbard

I am really a nobody, at least when it comes to speaking toward big issues and the denomination we are supporting. We planted Genesis 11 years ago, and are a small to medium sized church by some standards. God has been good to us, and from our launch we have been a Cooperative Program supporting […]

Why I Am Ungrateful – by Russell Moore
Posted January 6th, 2011 by Mike Hubbard

Found this blog by Russell Moore on the Resurgence website to be challenging.  Dr. Moore is the Dean of the Theology School and Vice President at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville.  This blog is well worth the read!

God, the Gospel and Glen Beck – Blog by Russell Moore
Posted September 1st, 2010 by Mike Hubbard

Just read this blog from Russell Moore, a professor and theologian from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary on the role of Glen Beck in American politics and Christianity.  His insights made me think deeply as I considered the implications of religion and politics and the influence the tie can have on the advancing of the Gospel.  […]