Tag Archive: Repentance

Praying Psalm 51 – The Prayer from our Service this Morning
Posted January 31st, 2021 by Mike Hubbard

One of the wonderful ways the Psalms are helpful to us is that they model the vertical conversation we can have with our God.  A few years ago we shared Don Whitney’s book Praying the Bible, which shows us how to turn the Psalms and other Scripture passages into prayers.  During our series in the […]

Devotion – Judges 10
Posted April 26th, 2011 by Mike Hubbard

I am so male.  I have this basic male problem.  I don’t ask for directions, I don’t use a map unless it is entirely necessary, and I refuse to buy a GPS.  I always have my driving plans figured out, and I know where I am going.  And like most males, I have had times […]

Devotion – 1 John 1
Posted November 19th, 2010 by Mike Hubbard

“Did I do thayat?!”  If you have every watched the show, Family Matters, you can almost hear Steve Urkel say those words right after he lost his balance, and fell and smushed a cake and destroyed the coffee table, or as he propels one of his inventions through the Winslow family window.  On the show […]

7 Counterfeits to Repentance blog by Mark Driscoll
Posted July 7th, 2010 by Mike Hubbard

Thought this was a very good explanation on the nature of true repentance and some of the ways we miss the point, and encourage you to read.  Martin Luther opened the 95 thesis that started the reformation with the statement that all of life is repentance.  We need to learn how to live in the […]

All of Life is Repentance – Tim Keller
Posted May 7th, 2010 by Mike Hubbard

This article is from Tim Keller, the Pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City and the author of several books including The Reason for God and Counterfeit Gods.  The article is a great companion to the message preached by Weston Ely at Genesis this past weekend on repentance. All of Life is Repentance […]