Tag Archive: Incarnation

Nicene Creed – Christ is “God of God, Light of Light”
Posted October 21st, 2018 by Mike Hubbard

Referencing the Nicene Creed, adopted in 325 AD at the Council of Nicea.  The core issue at this early ecumenical church council was the nature of Christ as defined in the Scriptures, specifically, whether Jesus was eternally God or a created being by God.  We are thankful for Athanasius and others like him who stood […]

Christmas Family Worship Experience
Posted December 24th, 2010 by Mike Hubbard

During our Christmas Eve service we gave families this worship experience to be done together on Christmas day.  But I also wanted to post it here on the blog for those who were unable to attend.  Print this off, give copies to your family, and worship Jesus on Christmas. Family Worship for Christmas