Tag Archive: Eureka

Praying for Eureka like Nehemiah
Posted January 20th, 2010 by Mike Hubbard

On Sunday we looked at how Nehemiah responded to the news that the walls of Jerusalem were in rubble and the gates had been burned.  When Nehemiah heard that Jerusalem was a mess, his response was to weep, mourn, fast, and pray for the next four months.  I have a difficult time praying for our […]

What I think about Postmodernism – Part 1
Posted May 8th, 2007 by Ben Lancaster

It’s often hard to tell what’s going on when you’re in the middle of it. After all, what did Gutenberg think when he printed the first page of the Bible? Did he know that simple machine would spark the Renaissance? Did he know that literacy would quadruple as people tried to get their hands on […]