Tag Archive: Confesssion

Praying Psalm 51 – The Prayer from our Service this Morning
Posted January 31st, 2021 by Mike Hubbard

One of the wonderful ways the Psalms are helpful to us is that they model the vertical conversation we can have with our God.  A few years ago we shared Don Whitney’s book Praying the Bible, which shows us how to turn the Psalms and other Scripture passages into prayers.  During our series in the […]

Cross Chart – What Confession and Repentance produces
Posted May 23rd, 2011 by Mike Hubbard

The sermon yesterday dealt with creating a life of confession and repentance in our prayers.  During the sermon I mentioned and displayed the Cross Chart created by Bob Thune from Corem Deo Church in Omaha.  This chart is a terrific image of how true growth in our faith happens. The basic idea here is that […]