Genesis Church: Blog - Page 95

Gathering at the Genesis Church Office This Sunday, October 4

A little slow announcing our location news this week as we have been watching the forecast.  Earlier in the week they were predicting rain, but as we move toward the weekend that forecast has changed, and it looks like it will be a beautiful and cool day.  So our Sunday gathering this week will take […]

Sunday Service – September 27

Welcome to Genesis Church Worship Service Livestream for September 27.  This morning we are gathering at the Genesis Church Office.   But are also honored to have you joining us online. Before we begin you will need a few things.  So, grab your Bibles, or you can find our text for this morning linked below. Second, […]

Sermon Notes & Family Worship – September 27

Notes sheet from our first sermon in the Gifted series on Spiritual Gifts from 1 Corinthians 12:1-11 Sermon 32 – Concerning the Gifts New City Catechism – Question #40 Song this week – In the Hands of Christ My King

GIFTED – Study Guide for Series on Spiritual Gifts

We have created a study guide for our series that begins tomorrow on the topic of Spiritual Gifts.  Our series will cover 1 Corinthians 12-14 over seven weeks.  The topic of Spiritual Gifts can be divisive and difficult, yet it is necessary and has a rich series of texts in Scripture.  This guide goes a […]