Genesis Church: Blog - Page 94

Sermon Notes & Family Worship – October 11

Notes sheet from sermon on the Little Toe in the Body of Christ from 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 Sermon 34 – Little Toe in the Body New City Catechism – Question #42 Song this week – Made To Worship

Sunday Service – October 11

Welcome to Genesis Church Worship Service Livestream for October 11.  This morning we are gathering at the Genesis Church Office.   But are also honored to have you joining us online. Before we begin you will need a few things.  So, grab your Bibles, or you can find our text for this morning linked below. Second, […]

Sermon Notes & Family Worship – October 4

Notes sheet from our sermon on whether or not the miraculous spiritual gifts are for today from 1 Corinthians 12.   New City Catechism – Question#41 Song this Week – Nobody

Sunday Service – October 4

Welcome to Genesis Church Worship Service Livestream for October 4.  This morning we are gathering at the Genesis Church Office.   But are also honored to have you joining us online. Before we begin you will need a few things.  So, grab your Bibles, or you can find our text for this morning linked below. Second, […]