Genesis Church: Blog - Page 313

Nick’s First Post

Hey world. How are you? My name is Nick Allen, and I am the worship intern here at Genesis Church. I will be making posts frequently here for the next few months. I will mostly be focusing on worship, but I will be posting some music reviews and other fun goodies that I run across. […]

What I think about Postmodernism – Part 2

It’s hard to know exactly which topic to start this blog series with, so I thought I’d go with the most universal, holistic vs. linear thinking. Let’s start with a quote about my generation: “A generation raised on channel-surfing has lost the capacity for linear thinking and analytical reasoning.” — Chuck Colson, Christian writer, chief […]

Everybody Loves Marriage Project – Week 1, Couples

You are about to embark on an adventure. For the next ten weeks, Mike will be speaking from the Bible about issues related to your marriage. Each week, you will also receive a project to do with your spouse. These projects are designed to help you apply the material from the message, and to give […]

Everybody Loves Marriage Project – Week 1, Singles

You are about to embark on an adventure. For the next ten weeks, Mike will be speaking from the Bible about issues related to marriage. Each week, you will also receive a project. These projects are designed to help you apply the material from the message, and to give you some practical steps to prepare […]

Everybody Loves Marriage – Reading list

The following is a list of Scriptures to be used in upcoming messages in the Everybody Loves Marriage series. We’d like to encourage you to use these passages in your devotional times. If you are married, read these Scriptures with your spouse each week. If you are not married, read and pray through these passages […]