Genesis Church: Blog - Page 312

False Gospels for Eureka – Me-ism

This is the second of my blog posts which I am writing seeking to address false beliefs that people living in the culture of Eureka tend to drift toward. Yes, I made up another word. A regular George Bush I am. As we talk about philosophical and religious ideas that tend to creep into the […]

Robertson McQuilken on Focus on the Family

If you attended the Everybody Loves Marriage series over the summer, you may remember the story I shared of a man named Robertson McQuilken. McQuilken was the President of Columbia International Seminary when he found out that his wife Muriel was suffering from Alzheimer’s. He left his place of leadership to care for his wife, […]

Devotion – John 14

A guy had to take a trip to a location he was unfamiliar with. The trip would take him to an appointment with a very important client, and a business deal that could make him a lot of money.  He had no idea how to get there, or even what to look for. As he […]

Resource for Lent

We had a great prayer time at Solid Rock this morning, and I want to thank those of you who joined me. Lent is a 40 day period of time designed to prepare Christians for the coming of Good Friday and Easter. At our prayer time this morning I recommended a resource that can help […]

False Gospels for Eureka – Religionism

I mentioned Sunday that I would blog on, what in my opinion, are the key false beliefs that tend to show up in a church in the culture of Eureka. Before you read these, I would encourage you to reread Titus 1:9-16. In this passage Paul gives strong instruction to Titus that the leaders in […]