Genesis Church: Blog - Page 311

False Gospels for Eureka – Pluralism

On the airplane to Seattle this week, I sat next to a woman reading a very interesting book. The title of the book was, Reincarnation: The Missing Link in Christianity. The interesting thing about the title of the book is that it is a clear reflection on one of the trends taking place in our […]

Devotion – John 16

One key Bible doctrine we are called to believe relates to the trinity. We have one God, one in essence and purpose, who is revealed in three persons. For many, they can accept the idea of God the Father, and even the Son of God, Jesus Christ. But my experience has taught me that many […]

Reform and Resurge Conference

I am in Seattle at Mars Hill Church this week for a great conference sponsored by Acts 29 and Mars Hill Church. It’s been a great, and very challenging week so far, and I appreciate the opportunity to go. Speakers at this conference include Mark Driscoll from Mars Hill Church in Seattle, author and pastor […]

False Gospels for Eureka – Legalism

The packaging may change, but legalism has always been a significant challenge to the Gospel. In every culture, there have been people within the church who seek to add something to faith as a requirement for “true Christianity.” In the New Testament times, Paul’s greatest challenge came from those who taught that the only way […]

Devotion – John 15

A couple years ago, during a trip to Florida, we took a trip to an orange grove. As we walked through the trees, I picked an orange from the tree, pealed it, and ate the fresh orange. There was just something incredible about the taste of that fruit, it was so sweet and juicy. As […]