Genesis Church: Blog - Page 309

Microwaves and crock pots

If you attended Genesis this week, or listened online, you heard me mention that I had much more in my notes about how men and women are different in their sexuality. A couple people asked for more of that information, so I thought I’d blog about it. It’s a little scary to have this in […]

Everybody Loves Marriage – Week 9 Project, Singles

While doing a series of messages on marriage, it may seem that we are denying the very real truth that being single is also very valuable. The series was designed to speak into the lives of married couples to help them build strong, covenant marriages. But it was also designed to challenge those who are […]

Everybody Loves Marriage – Week 9 Project, Couples

Be aware that this project is definitely designed for married couples. It would be pretty ridiculous for us to plan a reading or a paper and pencil project after this week’s sermon. The project for this week is pretty simple, add some flair to your intimate life. This is what you are to do. Early […]

Everybody Loves Marriage – Week 8 Project, Singles

This week’s message talked about God’s plan for sex and how we as fallen people make a god out of sexuality. One of the sins involved is having sex with the wrong person. Obviously, the desire to have sex is a significant problem for single people. We all want it, and given the right circumstances, […]

Everybody Loves Marriage – Week 8 Project, Couples

This week the message dealt with sex, so we thought it would be good to revisit some aspects we have talked about already. Sex is a microcosm of marriage, meaning that when there are struggles in your marriage, it will carry over into your sex life, and when you are struggling sexually, it will have […]