Genesis Church: Blog - Page 302

$1 for the Kingdom

At church this morning we gave each person in attendance a $1 coin.  We may be the first church in history to pass the offering basket and ask people to take money.  The challenge was to see the $1 as God’s money, Kingdom money, and find a way to make a difference with it.  While […]

Devotion – Exodus 3

The burning bush experience is one of the great events of the Bible.  Moses is tending sheep out in the wilderness.  He has been doing the same thing for years.  Shepherding is a fairly boring job, so the monotony had to get to Moses occasionally.  But on this day, Moses would have an event unlike […]

Devotion – Exodus 2

Imagine for a moment a father and his toddler son working on a farm.  The father has to dig a deep hole.  He has a couple different types of shovels, to help him dig out dirt, break rock, and help with any other obstacles he might have.  The little boy is sitting in the sand […]

Enjoying the Olympics

Most of the time, I write posts that have some underlying spiritual meaning. This is not one of those. I just thought I would write a quick post about the Olympics, confessing that I am enjoying watching them, and creating a little discussion. Most of you won’t post replies to this blog, so I thought […]

Devotion – Exodus 1

September 11, 2001!  The date alone brings chills to most people.  Where were you when you first heard the news of the terrorists attacks on New York and Washington D.C.?  Most people could tell you exactly where they were and what went through their mind as they first heard the reports.  For many, the first […]