Genesis Church: Blog - Page 299

Pray for our new President

As I write this, around 10:00 PM, it looks pretty much like Barack Obama is going to be the next President of the United States.  While the tally is not complete, most of the networks are pretty much conceding the point.  Personally, as I age, I just don’t seem to get as worked up as […]

Devotion – Exodus 9

When reading the story of the plagues, one character continues to pop up and intrigue.  Pharoah was the ruler of the Egyptian people, and was a proud man.  The Egyptians believed their Pharoah was really half man, half god.  He saw himself as invinceable, and was unwilling to let Moses or even God Himself bring […]

Devotion – Exodus 8

This chapter is about annoyance.  God sends three plagues in chapter 8; a multitude of frogs, gnats, and flies.  I actually think my daugther, Alex, would like the frogs part, but maybe not so much if there were like fifty in her room.  I’ve been to places where gnats just seemed to swarm everywhere, and […]

Article on Christians and Doubts

The front page of this past Sunday’s St. Louis Post Dispatch had a good article titled “Church Takes on Atheism by Embracing Doubters” (click here to link to that article).  The article is about the Journey Church here in St. Louis, one of our fellow Acts 29 churches, and their efforts to engage skeptics with […]

Questions and Doubts #2

When reading the Bible, especially in the Old Testament, how can God be seen as a loving God, when he strikes down so many people?  He seems more like an angry hateful God to me. This is one of those deep thinking, philosophical questions.  I’ll try to give a few simple responses, but at the […]