Genesis Church: Blog - Page 297

Merry Christmas – May you find the joy of Ebenezer!

Since we have been doing a series on the story of Ebenezer Scrooge in A Christmas Carol, I thought I’d send out a post wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, and encouraging you to find the joy of Scrooge.  Here are the last two paragraphs in Dickens’ book. Scrooge was better than his word.  He did […]


If you’ve ever used a computer (if you’re reading this that’s obviously you), you know that sometimes they just don’t work right, and things go wrong. Well, as it turns out, the Genesis Church website is not immune to that phenomenon, and that’s where our apologies come in. If you tried to visit the magic […]

Devotion – Exodus 13

I was the oldest in my family.  As the oldest, I always felt like I was given extra responsibilities and expectations.  Most of the time, I liked being the oldest brother, because that meant I had someone younger to boss around (actually, my sister would never let me boss her around).  Being the oldest also […]

The Shack and the importance of discernment

Every once in a while, a book with Christian themes breaks out of the church world and gets notariety on the larger culture.  The most recent phenomenon is the non-fictional novel titled The Shack by William P. Young.  Right now, this book is #1 on the New York Times bestsellers list for non-fiction paperback trade […]

Devotion – Exodus 12

One day I was watching TV with my kids, and the next show  was the Rugrats Passover Special.  I wanted to watch, since I knew that the Passover was a very important Jewish celebration related to the book of Exodus.  While it was interested to see the grandpa tell the story of Moses incredible feats, […]