Genesis Church: Blog - Page 291

Gospel attitudes about wealth – simplicity

This is the second in a short series of blogs about attitudes that need to be nurtured by followers of Jesus in order to help us live the Gospel with our wealth, possesions and power.  The attitude of simplicity flows from the deep realization that most of us are blessed so far beyond what we […]

Gospel attitudes about wealth – Stewardship

During the message last Sunday, I shared four gospel-centered attitudes about wealth and money that need to be nurtured if we, as followers of Jesus, are going to live the gospel with this area of life.  Those areas were stewardship, simplicity, generosity, and contentment.  When Christ graces a person, the outcome is life change, transformation, […]

“In His Steps” Free Download

Sometimes life is too random to be random.  Yesterday, I referenced the book In His Steps by Charles Sheldon in my message.  Today I found out that has the book available for free download on their website.  I check this website monthly, because they provide excellent audio books for download, which allows me to […]

$1 for the Kingdom

At church this morning we gave each person in attendance a $1 coin.  We may be the first church in history to pass the offering basket and ask people to take money.  The challenge was to see the $1 as God’s money, Kingdom money, and find a way to make a difference with it.  While […]

Devotion – Exodus 3

The burning bush experience is one of the great events of the Bible.  Moses is tending sheep out in the wilderness.  He has been doing the same thing for years.  Shepherding is a fairly boring job, so the monotony had to get to Moses occasionally.  But on this day, Moses would have an event unlike […]