Genesis Church: Blog - Page 290

Devotion – Exodus 6

Have you ever had someone make a promise to you, then fail to keep it?   Maybe when you were a kid, a parent promised to spend time with you and forgot.  It could be a friend who said they would spend time with you and failed to make it happen.  For some reading this, a […]

Devotion – Exodus 5

When God is about to do his greatest work, He often allows His people to go through the greatest hardship.  A great preacher once said, God will not mightily use a person until He has crushed him greatly.  At first glance, this may seem like God is cruel and unloving.  But the opposite is actually […]

Gospel attitudes about wealth – Contentment

Now there is great gain in godliness with contentment, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world.  but if we have food or clothing, with these we will be content.  1 Timothy 6:6-8 My wife Heidi and I were reading this passage together the other day, and […]

Gospel attitudes about wealth – generosity

I’ve already written posts commenting on two of four gospel oriented attitudes about wealth.  I think it is important to avoid some extremes when speaking of money, and our excesses.  The legalistic approach claims that wealth in and of itself is evil, and that Christians should not have money or wealth.  The problem with this […]

Devotion – Exodus 4

What excuses do you use with God?  You know, we all have them.  God speaks to your heart telling you what to do, and you come up with this reason and that reason for not obeying.  For me, it happens when I know God is telling me to share my faith with someone, and I […]