Genesis Church: Blog - Page 290

Great Slate Magazine Article – “Happy Crossmas!”

It’s a few weeks old, but Slate Magazine published an article about why Easter has resisted the commercialization and de-spiritualization experienced with Christmas. Well written, and definitely gives you something to think about. Happy Crossmas! Why Easter stubbornly resists the commercialism that swallowed Christmas.

Family Devotions for Easter Week

I may have even posted this last year, but John Piper has written eight terrific family devotions for Easter week called Lenten Lights.  Use them to prepare your family for the celebration of the cross and resurrection.

Debate on the existence of Satan and evil on Nightline

Last week, Mark Driscoll, the pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle and President of the Acts 29 network participated in a nationally broadcast debate on the existence of Satan and evil on the ABC show Nightline.  Joining Driscoll was former prostitute Annie Lobert who is now a follower of Jesus and founder of a […]

Devotion – Exodus 23

In the last devotion blog, you began reading about why God gave His Law to the Hebrew people.   Like most religious people, the Jews have always believed that eternal life came through the keeping of the Law.  Be a good person, keep the rules, and God will be OK with you.  The Bible teaches something […]

Bible reading plan for April

Here is the Bible reading calendar for the month of April.  Keep reading! bible-reading-plan-april