Genesis Church: Blog - Page 288

Most Influential

The most recent edition of Time Magazine lists their 100 most influential people.  Interesting list which always creates discussion.  The list contains notable people, and I thought it missed some important people.  Like most American publications, the majority are from here, which pretty much demonstrates our American ego (Kind of like calling the championship of […]

Devotion – Exodus 26

When you were a kid, did you ever have a situation where you invited guests over, only to have your mom freak out about the condition of the house.  You know what I mean.  You invited a couple friends to hang out at your house.  They had been to your house a dozen times.  But […]

Devotion – Exodus 25

It was time for God’s people to build a place of worship.  The Tabernacle would be a movable tent, with elaborate designs and incredible symbols of God’s presence.  In the center of this tent will be a place called the Holy of Holies, where the High Priest would make the sacrifice each year for the […]

Prayer Emphasis – Prayer Calendar

During May, we are going to have a church-wide prayer emphasis.  The Elders believe that our church needs to develop and grow in our individual and corporate prayer lives.  We see, even in ourselves a lack of dependence on God, a lack of desperation to experience His presence, and a shallowness in our prayer. As […]

Modern Issues and Lying – By Weston Ely

This past Sunday, we looked at Jesus’ moral teaching about taking oaths. The root of his teaching exposes our tendency to be dishonest. I used four categories to classify the reasons that we lie (Apathetic lies, Cowardly lies, Manipulative lies, and Malevolent lies). I also proposed that loving God and loving others is a formula […]