Genesis Church: Blog - Page 288

Devotion – Exodus 10

Remember the Rocky movies.  Sylvester Stallone plays the great champion, Rocky Balboa.  In Rocky III, the champion Balboa has a new challenger on the horizon.  Clubber Lang (Mr. T) begins to challenge Rocky, calling him a chump.  Rocky gets mad and accepts a fight with Lang, but he hasn’t really considered the abilities and strength […]

Questions and Doubts – #3

Why do I feel so far away from God sometimes and so close at other times? It’s been a couple weeks since I answered one of these questions, but here is another good one.  A few weeks back we talked about dealing with questions and doubts in the Sunday service.  We gave people in the […]

Post Article on the Loudons

I am sitting here on Sunday morning, already late for church, when my dad called to let me know that the front page of the St. Louis Post had an article about some friends of ours, John and Gina Loudon.  I decided to see if they had the article posted on their website, and it […]

Pray for our new President

As I write this, around 10:00 PM, it looks pretty much like Barack Obama is going to be the next President of the United States.  While the tally is not complete, most of the networks are pretty much conceding the point.  Personally, as I age, I just don’t seem to get as worked up as […]

Devotion – Exodus 9

When reading the story of the plagues, one character continues to pop up and intrigue.  Pharoah was the ruler of the Egyptian people, and was a proud man.  The Egyptians believed their Pharoah was really half man, half god.  He saw himself as invinceable, and was unwilling to let Moses or even God Himself bring […]