Genesis Church: Blog - Page 285

Youth Event – Laser Tag form

This is the health form and flyer for the Youth Laser Tag event on June 11. laser-tag-june1109

Reasons for Fasting in the Bible

In the message today I mentioned twelve reasons that people in the Bible participated in fasts.  I wanted to post them on the blog in case you missed them, and so you could look up the Scripture texts. Biblical reasons people fast: To enhance depth in our prayers – Daniel 9:3 For self-denial and humility […]

Genesis Night @ McAlisters for Charleston Trip

McAlisters Deli in Ballwin is hosting two Genesis Church fund-raising nights, where a percentage of the proceeds from their food sales to our people will be given back to help with the Charleston, MO mission trip.  All you have to do is go there on June 1 or June 9, enjoy a sandwich or potato […]

Summer youth kickoff

Youth Summer Kickoff Barbecue and Pool Party Wednesday June 3, 6-9 PM Rolfe’s Home & Hilltop Pool Here is the flyer and registration form for the event (summer-kickoff).  Youth need to make sure they either sign-up at church on Sunday or e-mail Missy Rolfe by Sunday so we can be sure to have enough pool […]

Prayers of Confession and Repentance

In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus taught his followers to pray, “Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.”  This is one prayer Jesus never had to ask for himself.  As the sinless Savior, Jesus never had to repent or confess sin.  On the other hand, we are fallen people desperately in need of grace […]