Genesis Church: Blog - Page 285

The authority of the Bible and the ability of God

My seminary experience was rather interesting and sad.  I went to the school seeking a master’s degree, but also to study to be a better pastor, preacher, and leader.  I thought I would go to this school and spend most of my time studying the great truths found in the Bible.  I was shocked to […]

Devotion – Exodus 16

If there is one thing that drives me absolutely nuts, it is a whining, complaining kid. When I hear a kid whine, it is like fingernails on a chalk board to me.  The reason it bothers me so much is that when a kid complains, it indicates that he doesn’t realize how blessed he or […]

The Bible’s Claims about Itself

This past Sunday we began a new series of messages on the importance and use of the Bible.  The claim this week was that God has spoken, and that the Bible is the clearest form of communication that God has given humanity.  The question I seek to address in this blog is whether or not […]

Devotion – Exodus 15

Music is one of the incredible gifts God has given the human race.  Music allows us to express our feelings, hurts, and victories in a way that moves every part of us.  Music touches the heart, challenges the intellect, and stirs the feet. The medium of music can be used to do many things.  Sometimes […]

Jonathan Edwards Resolutions

At midnight on January 1, someone shot fireworks right over my house!  Usually, this would be a welcome way to ring in the New Year, but this year it got my dog Sadie barking, and the commotion woke Mary, one of my five day old daughters.  The reminder that the New Year is upon us […]