Genesis Church: Blog - Page 284

Devotion – Exodus 17

Have you ever been thirsty?  I am not talking about the need for a Gatorade after a workout.  I am talking about being so thirsty that all you can think about is getting something wet on your tongue.  We’ve all seen scenes from movies where a person was wondering across the desert, completely out of […]

Making SPACE for God’s Word in Your Life

I recently heard about this acrostic from a couple of people in Jim Breeden’s community group, so I asked him to share it with all of us.  He wrote the following, which is a simple way to find applications when reading the Bible. Reading God’s Word is great, but better is allowing God’s Word to […]

Choosing a Good Bible Translation

In translating the Bible into English, three general categories of translation are most common. Word for word translations, thought for thought translations, and paraphrases. The same three options are also used in the translation of other ancient books into English. Word for word translations make a special effort to carefully interpret each word from their […]

The Dream, The Inaguration, and Abraham

OK, so I know that everywhere you turned today, the media was talking about connections between the “I have a dream” speech by Martin Luther King Jr., and the inaguration of President Obama.  So my writing a blog on this tonight is not going to be this ground-breaking revelation.  I was watching one of the […]

Bible Reading – January

We are starting a new series of messages in the morning on the importance and use of the Bible titled, Sola Scriptura. To go along with the series, I want to encourage every person connected with Genesis to begin reading their Bibles on a regular and consistent basis.  We are going to produce a monthly […]