Genesis Church: Blog - Page 284

Mission Charleston Update – Day One

We are planning post updates about our mission trip daily on the blog, having different people on the trip write each day.  We are also going to try to set up a Flickr account with pictures in the next couple days.  Be sure to read about the adventure to Charleston, MO here this week.  Tonight […]

Devotion – Exodus 30

My wife really likes candles.  Sometimes I will walk into my house and wonder if I have  come into some sort of shrine.  The entire house will be glowing with little flames, and the smell of the candles will be somewhat overwhelming.  She especially likes these candles with incense that create an aroma that permeates […]

Resources on Porn and Sex issues

It’s impossible to cover any subject comprehensively in our hour and fifteen minutes on Sunday morning, but that was especially true this morning as we discussed sex and lust.  I wanted to pass along a couple resources for further study, especially to any people who are struggling on any level. The first is a book […]

Devotion – Exodus 29

Just drive by a good barbecue restaurant, and you can smell that wonderful aroma.  The combination of the burning of the hickory wood and the smoked cooking of the meat creates a smell that will start the stomach growling and the taste buds tingling.  If you close your eyes, you can almost see and taste […]

Join us in our Day of Fasting and Prayer Tomorrow

On many occasions in the Bible, the leaders of God’s people called them to times of fasting and prayer.  Most of the time this was a response to the gracious and merciful grace of God.  The people realized their utter and desperate need for God, and would respond by spending a period of time denying […]