Genesis Church: Blog - Page 270

Devotion – Exodus 33

Have you ever prayed this prayer?  Have you ever asked God to show you His glory?  Maybe you have sung a song that asked God to show His glory and reveal His presence.  This is a pretty awesome thing you ask, when you ask God to reveal His glory.  The glory of God represents all […]

Haiti, Day 4 – Worship and evangelism in Haiti

Sunday in Haiti brought the opportunity for us to attend church with a Haitian church.  We attended the New Christian Church of Tabarre.  Scott is friends with their pastor, Jean Prenor Brisneault.  You  can visit their church’s website here.  It was an amazing experience to worship in a cross cultural setting.  While we could not […]

Haiti, Day 3 – Dancing girls, hortoculture, and a sick teen

Our guest blogger is Erin Bounds. When I woke up this morning, I sat on my mat on the roof and enjoyed the breeze.  This is a beautiful country!  Breakfast was scrambled eggs with peppers.  However, Aaron did not eat.  He was feeling a little under the weather. Today we added another coat to the […]

Haiti pictures on Flickr

We’ve uploaded some pictures from our first few days on our Flickr account. Hope you enjoy!  God is good and we are having a great time.

Haiti, Day 2 – A rat, paint scrapers, and $5

Great day today, although hot.  The morning began with some excitement.  Carol, who is the President of the Board overseeing the ministry is here with us this week.  We heard her scream and run out of the storage room with the food, and then jump up on a chair.  She realized that a rat was […]