Genesis Church: Blog - Page 269

Devotion – Exodus 34

A few years ago I took my family to the circus.  When they turned the lights out and the show began, my kids noticed these vendors all over the stadium with glow in the dark necklaces.  They seemed so bright and so cool as the vendors swing them around their arm in the dark arena.  […]

Free Audio Book – Crazy Love

Every once is a while I’ll suggest a book from, especially when they include it in their free downloads.  This month they have the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan available as a free download.  This is a new book, and is worth the time, whether you “read” it from your iPod or the […]

Haiti Trip, Day 7 – Our last day, and some thoughts about missions

Our guest blogger today is Scott Holdegraver. Bon swa (good afternoon) from Tabarre, Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Today is the last full day for out team and was somewhat casual day for us. Mike, Andy, and Paul (another guy staying at House of Hope) wielded machetes and a weed whacker on the outside of one of the […]

Haiti, Day 6 – A long bus ride and a day at the beach

Our guest blogger today is Aaron Holdegraver. Today we as a group were lucky enough to enjoy a day at Kalico Resort. We woke up and left the house at about 8’oclock Haitian time which really means any time that everyone is ready. Any way we all got into a small bus that had been […]

Haiti, Day 5 – some paint and some water fun!

The guest blogger for tonight is Andy Hubbard I hate oil based paint.  It is thick and sticky and doesn’t wash off.  I also found out that lacquer thinner burns!!!  As you can tell, we painted again today.  We painted the veranda a lovely pink color.  Unfortunately we did not know that the paint was […]