Genesis Church: Blog - Page 267

Bible Reading Calendar for September

This is the Bible reading calendar for September.  In January we challenged people to begin reading their Bible with us.  Whether you have hung in there, never started, or fizzled, use the September calendar to jump start your daily Bible reading.  God bless. Bible Reading Plan – September

False Teachers – How do you know?

I was sitting in my Community Group last night discussing issues from the Sunday message about false teachers, and the question arose, “How do we know you aren’t one of those guys?”  Of course the answer is because I am a great guy who would never steer you wrong.  Actually, this question was a very […]

Devotion – Exodus 37

I’m a fan of the Indiana Jones movies, and I especially like the first one, Raiders of theLost Ark.  In this movie, the primary character, Dr. Indiana Jones is in search of the lost Ark of the Covenant.  He is searching for the very box that was made by this man, Bazalel in this chapter. […]

Good websites for discernment

Beware of false prophets, who come to you 9in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.  Matthew 7:15 Since we are talking about discernment and the idea of being careful about the types of teachers we absorb, I thought I’d give you a couple good places to get information about false teachers and good doctrine. […]

Back to school – a few thoughts on making sure kids are ready

The annual ritual of sending kids back to school is here.  Kids are moping around houses throughout Eureka, realizing that their days of freedom are almost up.  I don’t know about your casa, but in my house the sleep and eating habits have slidden, and making the adjustment back to getting up before 10 AM […]