Genesis Church: Blog - Page 251

Devotion – One Hit Wonders, Jude

Background: One of the great dangers for God’s people happens when people who have joined the church begin to teach false doctrines and live lives that contradict the very teaching of God in the Scripture.  This letter was written by Jude to challenge followers of Jesus to “contend for the faith that was once for […]

Piper book on Christian Audio

I highly recommend reading the book 50 Reasons Jesus Came to Die by John Piper (click link to download the PDF of the book from Desiring God).   The title gives the book away, but the content is rich and will give strong Biblical reasons for Jesus death and ultimately his resurrection.  It is not a […]

Spiritual warfare – Christ our victory

This is the first of a series of blog posts I will write in the next week or so in a plan to develop some of the thoughts I raised and give Scriptural support for the role of spiritual warfare in the life of faith. “Be strong in the Lord and in the power of […]

Pray for persecuted Christians in India

This video is from pastor and author Francis Chan explaining his heart-break over the persecution of Christians in India, and includes a plea to pray.  While the video does contain violence, it should challenge all of us to spend some time thinking of and praying for our brothers and sisters in a distant land.  Watch […]

Good articles on prayer

Prayer is such an important aspect of the Christ-centered life, so it is vital that we grow and develop our prayer life.  I was impressed by a recent series of blog posts on the Resurgence website, and wanted to pass a link to you with all of these posts.  They are filled with some great […]