Genesis Church: Blog - Page 250

Suggested Resources for End Times Study

If you have been in church for any period of time, you know that people can get consumed in their attempt to understand prophetic ideas and eschatology (the study of the end times).  Way to many times people choose teams on the issues without thoroughly researching other points of view.  Let me encourage you to […]

Twighlight, Vampires, and other Teen Media and Literature

The best selling books and movies being marketed to teenagers are filled with stories of vampires, witches, sorcerers and occult practices.  While some argue that these are just stories to enhance creativity and fantasy.  Meanwhile the Scriptures call of followers of Jesus to be discerning about messages that are filled with false-spiritual content.  In a […]

Idolatry, Baseball, and Your Final Resting Place

I am a sports fan, and at the top of my sporting passion is the love for Cardinal baseball.  My earliest memories are of listening to Jack Buck and Mike Shannon announce games on the radio talking about the exploits of Bob Forsch, Ted Simmons, and Lou Brock as I fell asleep as a kid.  […]

Devotion – Proverbs 18

The focus of this devotion is on Proverbs 18:2-10. An atheist and a Christian were talking.  The atheist said to the Christian, “You know, it is just not fair.  You Christians have all sorts of holidays to celebrate.  We get off for Christmas, you celebrate Easter, Thanksgiving is a religious holiday.”  He continued, “We don’t […]

Gender Roles – Other Resources

Sunday’s sermon on gender roles and the Bible probably raised a lot of questions and maybe even some disagreements.  So I have decided to post a lot of possible resources for study and interaction with the topic.  If this is a hot topic for you or an issue in which you would like to dive […]