Genesis Church: Blog - Page 247

Resource on Parable of the Two Sons

During the sermon this morning I spent some time talking about Jesus parable of the two son’s, often called the parable of the prodigal son (I explained why I thought this was not the best title for the parable).  Author and pastor Tim Keller wrote an amazing book on this parable called The Prodigal God.  […]

Devotion – Proverbs 23

Read the entire chapter, but focus on Proverbs 23:1-8. J. Nelson Rockefeller was one of the wealthiest men who ever lived.  Once he was asked, “How much money is enough?”  His response was, “One dollar more.”  Like most people on this planet. Rockefeller was seduced into believing that money can buy happiness and hope.  And […]

Justice, Revenge, and Turning the Other Cheek

This past week we finished our sermon series derived from questions submitted by our congregation.  During the series we allowed people to text questions in and we answered some of those in the service.  Those we did not get to in the service I have been using the blog to respond.  This is a question […]

Devotion – Proverbs 22

Read the entire chapter, this devotion focuses on Proverbs 22:6. I went to a number of youth camps and retreats, and heard a lot of sermons.  A few still stick out in mind.  But of all the messages I heard, I only remember one where the preacher preached on a comma.  Yep, you heard me […]

God, the Gospel and Glen Beck – Blog by Russell Moore

Just read this blog from Russell Moore, a professor and theologian from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary on the role of Glen Beck in American politics and Christianity.  His insights made me think deeply as I considered the implications of religion and politics and the influence the tie can have on the advancing of the Gospel.  […]