Genesis Church: Blog - Page 245

Mission Charleston – Day 1

We have arrived safely in Charleston, and all is well.  We have had a fairly uneventful trip and first evening, which is pretty good news.  We like to keep those who couldn’t attend connected to the trip, and we have several ways to make this happen.  First, we will post an update on our blog […]

Devotion – Proverbs 11

Focus on Proverbs 11:4 After a wealthy man had died, someone asked, “How much did he leave behind?”  The answer came back, “All of it.”  There is nothing wrong with gaining wealth, but if a person makes that their personal goal in life, they have missed the highest calling.  God’s desire is for people to […]

Genesis Leadership Philosophy

The sermon Sunday dealt with our philosophy of leadership.  I said I would post this document explaining our ideas, beliefs, and strategy for elders, deacons, members, and the process of developing leaders. GENESIS CHURCH LEADERSHIP STRUCTURE

Top Ten Survey

First of all, thanks for all the questions we’ve gotten the past few Sundays. This next series should be pretty fun for me, and hopefully for all of you. We’ve made a list of the questions that have been submitted, and we’re giving you the opportunity to vote May 29th and June 6th at church, […]

Youth Camp form

We are taking students to a camp at Logan Valley Christian Retreat in Ellington the week of July 12-16.  This is the St. Louis Metro Baptist Association youth camp.  Stephen Lancaster is leading our group, so if you need more info. see him.  This is the registration form and flyer for the camp.  Download and […]