Genesis Church: Blog - Page 244

Mission Charleston – Day 6

Hi! This is Terry Lancaster.  Bob and I have had the privilege of leading this wonderful trip this week.  It has been an amazing, life-altering time as we have spent the week outside of our comfort zone.  I know that a lot of you have spent significant amounts of time praying for our trip, so […]

Mission Charleston – Day 4

Hello everyone, I’m Tim Mueller and today was the forth day of our mission trip here in hot and sunny Charleston, Missouri.  Today was probably one of the most eventful days of the week.  We began the day with the highly anticipated clothing drive. Today’s clothing drive was anything but typical.  We had an amazing […]

Mission Charleston – Day 3

Hello everyone! My name is Kelsey Guemmer and we have just finished day three! We began with going to a water park for some r&r, which was much needed. On the way we got lost a little and had a train of cars going thru a neighborhood where Chris decided to get out and lay […]

Mission Charleston – Day 2

Hello, I’m Stephen Lancaster were still going strong in Charleston Mo,  we had a long day of work sorting and finishing the roofing job at Dean Wallace’s house.  God was faithful in the roofing project. We had a group of professional roofers come in help. if it wasn’t for them we would not have finished […]

Mission Charleston, Day 2

Greetings from Charleston!  This is Ann Musec letting you all know a little about how Day Two of the mission trip. After a wonderful breakfast prepared by Carla Moore and her helpers we broke into several working groups.  One group of gentlemen (plus Abby, Terry’s niece) headed off to Pastor Dean’s house to start much […]