Genesis Church: Blog - Page 242

Marks of a healthy church

The sermon yesterday dealt with the issue of denominations and the question as to why there are so many groups and churches.  The answer to this is a deep and complicated issue, but the core idea is that God is building his church, and in the end He has one people even though they meet […]

The perfect denomination – a little humor

Sermon for this week looked at Denominations.  Found this satirical article on website called Tominthebox News Network, a humor website looking at the church.  The title of the article is Forty-Seven Church Splits Finally Brings Doctrinal Perfection. The article pokes fun at how churches and denominations tend to divide, and the pride we all have […]

7 Counterfeits to Repentance blog by Mark Driscoll

Thought this was a very good explanation on the nature of true repentance and some of the ways we miss the point, and encourage you to read.  Martin Luther opened the 95 thesis that started the reformation with the statement that all of life is repentance.  We need to learn how to live in the […]

The Christocentric Lense – Is the Bible about Me or about Jesus?

In John 5, Jesus challenges the Jewish leaders view of the Scriptures.  While they knew the Bible backwards and forward, they missed the key to the Scriptures.  Jesus told them that they searched the Scriptures believing that in them they would find eternal life, but, “It is they that bear witness about me.” (John 5:39)  […]

Devotion – Proverbs 14

There is a way that seems right to a man: But its end is the way of death.   Proverbs 14:12 I have used this illustration multiple times when teaching.  One person is blindfolded and on one side of the room, with some sort of obstacles between him or her and the other side.  It might […]