Genesis Church: Blog - Page 24

Sunday Worship Service Aug. 6, 2023

Welcome to Genesis Church Worship Service Livestream for August 6, 2023.  We are gathering in person at Pacific Intermediate School.   We are also honored to have you joining us online. Before we begin, you will need a few things … So, grab your Bibles, or you can find our text for this morning linked below. […]

Sermon Notes & Family Worship – July 30

Notes and family worship sheet from Darin Slater’s sermon on a really difficult but important topic from Confronting Christianity – Isn’t Christianity Homophobic? Sermon 9 – Homosexuality New City Catechism Question #31 Consider listening to this Podcast with Rebecca McLauglin and Sam Alberry this week – Confronting Christianity – Is God Anti-Gay? Song this week […]

Sunday Worship Service July 30, 2023

Welcome to Genesis Church Worship Service Livestream for July 30, 2023.  We are gathering in person at Pacific Intermediate School.   We are also honored to have you joining us online. Before we begin, you will need a few things … So, grab your Bibles, or you can find our text for this morning linked below. […]

Sermon Notes & Family Worship – July 23

Notes sheet from Eric Burnley’s sermon on a really tough question in our Confronting Christianity series – Doesn’t the Bible condone slavery? Sermon 8 – Slavery New City Catechism Question #30 Song this week – For God So Loved Our prayer focus this week is for those serving in Collegiate Ministry.  You can learn more […]

Sunday Worship July 23, 2023

Welcome to Genesis Church Worship Service Livestream for July 23, 2023.  We are gathering in person at Pacific Intermediate School.   We are also honored to have you joining us online. Before we begin, you will need a few things … So, grab your Bibles, or you can find our text for this morning linked below. […]