Genesis Church: Blog - Page 232

Jesus, One man, two natures

Read the Gospels and you encounter Jesus.  On one had we discover a man who had very human emotions, experienced pain, was hungry and ate, and went through all that it meant to be human.  On the other hand, he taught with authority, could read the thoughts of people, healed the sick and raised the […]

GOLCS Fundraiser at Rich & Charlie’s

Rich & Charlie’s Restauraunt is hosting a fundraiser for our Gift of Love Christmas Store this coming Monday, November 15.  Simple idea, go eat a great Italian meal and they will donate a portion of your meal bill to our store.  Be sure to take this brochure with you when you go. Rich & Charlie’s […]

Men’s Retreat and Fishing Trip

This is the flyer and registration form for the men’s retreat and fishing trip we have planned for this coming February.  We are taking guys to Arkansas for a weekend of fishing and spiritual renewal.  Click on this form to get more information. Men’s Fishing Retreat Flyer

Devotion – Proverbs 31

“Women…. Can’t live with them, pass the beer nuts.”  This quote from Norm Peterson from Cheers expressed many a man’s frustration with members of the opposite sex.  Of course, women have some of the same feelings about men.  We are different.  Sometimes those differences can be difficult, to say the least.  Yet, at other times, […]

Devotion – Proverbs 30

Read all of Proverbs 30, this focuses on Proverbs 30:1-6 The older I get, the less I know.  When I was a teenager, I had the world by the tail, and I thought I had everything figured out.  I thought I knew more than my parents, because they were “old timers”.  I thought I knew […]