Genesis Church: Blog - Page 218

Vacation and Camping Worship Experiences for Families

Last Summer Weston Ely and I wrote three worship experiences for families to do on their vacations.  This came after much thought and soul searching about the subject of summer vacations, camping trips, and other activities that take families away from church.  On one hand, we as a church know the value these trips can […]

Downloading the Confession App – Integrating confession and repentance in your prayers

Continued talking about prayer this past Sunday, with our focus on confession and repentance in our prayers.  As we have done each week of this series, I wanted to post a blog that I hope will become interactive with ideas on how people can incorporate prayers from this week’s them in their lives.  This list […]

Cross Chart – What Confession and Repentance produces

The sermon yesterday dealt with creating a life of confession and repentance in our prayers.  During the sermon I mentioned and displayed the Cross Chart created by Bob Thune from Corem Deo Church in Omaha.  This chart is a terrific image of how true growth in our faith happens. The basic idea here is that […]

Judgement Day – come and gone

A lot of frenzy over the crazy prediction by a false prophet named Harold Camping that the end of the world was coming today.  Well, 8 PM has come and gone, and we are still here.  This is a stark reminder that we must be on guard against false teachers and prophets, and that we […]

Devotion – Judges 12

This is one of those bizarre stories in the Bible, but to understand it, you must first understand the nation of Israel.  They were God’s people.  God had led them, as a people out of Egypt, through the wilderness, and into the Promised Land.  They had accomplished this task as an entire group, and through […]