Genesis Church: Blog - Page 211

Last Minute Valentine Gift – Two Good Books

OK, guys, if you are reading this on the afternoon of Valentine’s Day, and you don’t have a gift for your wife you are in a load of trouble.  But it is not too late to come up with a great idea, even one that will make your marriage much better, not only on Valentine’s […]

Limited-Unlimited Atonement

On Sunday our text in Ephesians took us into areas of theology that can be controversial.  Words like “chosen”, “election”,  and “predestination” can be a lightning rod, leaving Christian people in a heated argument.  I’ve even had people ask me in a bit of a combative tone of voice, “You don’t believe in that predestination […]

The Big Game – and Big Persepective

OK, so I am a sports fan, and really enjoy the Cardinals, Rams, Blues, Tigers, Billikens…  I generally don’t want to see my passion for sports as a form of idolatry, but every so often I need to be reminded that sports is a good thing, but it so easily, for those of us with […]

Everybody Worships Something

Used this video on Sunday, and love it.  Everybody worships something, but we were made to worship one.  

Knowing God by J. I. Packer – Free Audio Book

As they do every month, is offering a free audio book online.  This month the book is a classic, must read for every believer.  Knowing God by J. I. Packer is an examination of the nature and attributes of God as found in Scripture.  It will help any follower of Jesus in their understanding […]