Genesis Church: Blog - Page 205

Living Mission – A Challenge for us to be shaped by the Gospel

After talking about living the Mission of God this morning, thought this would be a terrific video to share. Jodi Burnley showed it to me, and suggested we check it out as we are thinking about the ministry of Compassion International.  It is a great message about caring for the broken and hurting around the […]

PDL – Week 6 Memory Verse

The Psalmist says, “I have hidden your Word in my heart that I might not sin against you (Psalm 119:11).”  If you have memorized your verses, you have started a habit that drives the Scriptures deep.  Memorize this verse, but don’t end there.  Keep finding passages and verses to meditate on and memorize.  Make it […]

Spiritual Gifts – An Overview

This document is an Appendix included in our Gospel Class and contains an overview of Spiritual Gifts as outlines in Scripture, with an explanation of the characteristics of each of the gifts and an example of someone in Scripture who lived in each gift.  This will be very helpful for those of you seeking to […]

PDL – Week 5 Memory Verse

Memory verse number five.  Are you enjoying the memorization of God’s Word?  Keep it going! 1 Peter 4:10 New International Version (©1984) Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. New Living Translation (©2007) God has given each of you a gift from […]

“The Avengers” – Cool Blog

Loved the thoughts in this blog by Mark Driscoll on the Avengers movie. The title is “Maybe Everyone who Bought a Ticket to ‘The Avengers” Deep Down Really Wants to Meet Jesus? Take a moment to read.