Genesis Church: Blog - Page 186

Culvers Fundraiser for Haiti – Tonight, April 7

Join us tonight,  Monday April 7 from 5-8 PM for a meal at Culvers and help us raise some funds to help us send our mission team to Haiti. Simple idea, go eat, have family, friends, C-Group join you.  And a percentage of all proceeds from food sold during those hours will be donated to […]

Al Mohler on the Noah Movie

The number one movie last week was Noah starring Russel Crowe.  By all means, go see the movie, but realize that there are some theological and story issues with the movie.  Rather than writing on this myself, wanted to post a link to a very good article by Albert Mohler on the new Noah movie.  If […]

Approaches to End Times Passages

We are currently in a study of major themes found in Biblical eschatology, or study of the last things.  Our study is going to stay focused on the big themes that are held by the church throughout history.  But we will use the blog to delve a little deeper and give some explanations of some […]

Prayer Attributed to St. Patrick

A day of green clothes and green beer, but most people don’t really know the story of Patrick.  For example, did you know that Patrick was not Irish?  Actually he was from England, but as a child he was captured and sold into slavery in Ireland.  To learn more about Patrick, check out this blog […]

One, Holy, Apostolic, and Catholic – the Marks of the Early Church

On Sunday we read the Nicene Creed together as a prayer.  This ancient confession of faith that flowed from the Council of Nicea in the fourth century has been used by churches throughout history as an accurate explanation of the central truths of the Christian faith.  But I did see a few eyebrows raised and […]