Genesis Church: Blog - Page 181

Advent Devotional by John Piper

The Christmas season is almost upon us.  In fact, I am loading all my Christmas music on my mp3 player this week.  As we approach the season it is so easy to get wrapped up in all the stuff of Christmas and miss the central point of Christmas.  To help us with, John Piper has […]

Praying for Unreached and Unengaged People Groups

In the sermon yesterday from Luke 18 we gave a challenge to commit to pray for justice (God making things right in the world) in three areas for thirty days. Pray by name for 3 friends who do not have a relationship with Jesus Pray for an unreached and unengaged people group (more on this […]

Don’t Get Left Behind – Fall Back Sunday

A fun reminder that we should reset clocks Saturday night before we go to bed, or you can just show up early at church on Sunday.

Halloween and the Incarnation

Wrote a blog several years ago encouraging people to be missional at Halloween.  No matter how you feel about the holiday, the one thing I can guarantee is that the families in your neighborhood are coming to your house.  Love this video from Acts 29 Pastor Jeff Vanderstelt on topic.  Share this with others, and […]

Ideas for Building your Life on the Word of Christ – Part 3, Bible Output

This is the third post seeking to give practical ideas from issues raised in the sermon two weeks ago on the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders.  In the first two posts we discussed practical ways to keep Jesus central in our use of Scripture and ideas for Bible intake.  This third post is […]