Genesis Church: Blog - Page 176

THINK DIFFERENT – Church History Profile – Augustine

Our current series Think Different is designed to help us as followers of Jesus to navigate our current culture, seeking to figure out how to stand in the truth of the Gospel while at the same time being people of grace.  We can feel fairly alone in this pursuit, believing that these are the worst […]

A Revealed Faith – the Answer to Pluralism

Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world. (Hebrews 1:1-2 ESV) This past Sunday we looked at how […]

You Can be a Part of Taking the Gospel To Somalia Right Where You Are

Yep, that’s right, you can be a part of taking the Gospel to unreached peoples in Somalia, and you can do it right where you are, sitting at your computer or holding your smart phone in your hand, by watching a YouTube video, the more views the better.  It is a video telling the Gospel […]

THINK DIFFERENT – Church History Profile, Athanasius

Our current series Think Different is designed to help us as followers of Jesus to navigate our current culture, seeking to figure out how to stand in the truth of the Gospel while at the same time being people of grace.  We can feel fairly alone in this pursuit, believing that these are the worst […]

The Cooperative Program, Hurricane Katrina, and Why We Do Mission with Southern Baptists

Since planting the church ten years ago I have had the somewhat awkward conversation many, many times.  I am asked, “Are you non-denominational?”  Well, that is an interesting question that is difficult to answer.  My response is that our church is actually made up of people from all kinds of religious backgrounds and traditions, and […]