Genesis Church: Blog - Page 174

God’s Sovereign Grace Over Evil and Suffering

This past Sunday our sermon looked at the issue of evil and suffering, raising the question of Theodicy (the theological question about God’s goodness and sovereignty in the face of suffering).  Ancient philosopher raised the question with these words: Either God wants to abolish evil and cannot,; or he can, but does not want to; […]

THINK DIFFERENT – Church History Profile, Jonathan Edwards

I love Jonathan Edwards.  My first exposure to him was in my high school Freshman English Class, where we read Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, the most famous sermon Edwards ever preached.  Looking back, I find it interesting that we read this, but it does show the Edwards was one of the […]

THINK DIFFERENT – Church History Profile, Blaise Pascal

Our current series Think Different is designed to help us as followers of Jesus to navigate our current culture, seeking to figure out how to stand in the truth of the Gospel while at the same time being people of grace.  We can feel fairly alone in this pursuit, believing that these are the worst […]

Articles and Resources on Gospel and Gender

After our sermon this past Sunday on a difficult topic, wanted to share some resources for further study and growth as we interact with this challenge in our culture. The book I referenced – Understanding Gender Dysphoria: Navigating Transgender Issues in a Changing Culture by Mark Yarhouse Albert Mohler’s new book We Cannot be Silent […]

THINK DIFFERENT – Church History Profile, John Calvin

Our current series Think Different is designed to help us as followers of Jesus to navigate our current culture, seeking to figure out how to stand in the truth of the Gospel while at the same time being people of grace.  We can feel fairly alone in this pursuit, believing that these are the worst […]