Genesis Church: Blog - Page 170

Great Article from Missouri Baptist about Terry Lancaster

Take a minute to check out this article about Terry Lancaster and the Cotinga Foundation.  Terry is a member of Genesis, and part of the original launch team here.  Her husband Bob is one of our Elders.  She began the Cotinga Foundation, which exists to empower and equip special education teachers in the developing world […]

Details for Genesis Good Friday Service with the Gate Church

Wanted to give a few updates as we get ready for our Good Friday Service.  This is such a big day for our church, as we serve together to honor the sacrifice Jesus made for our redemption and salvation.  If you are not part of Genesis family but would like to serve with us we […]

What our culture needs – Prophets and Nazirites

OK, so I was hoping the title would catch your attention and you would read on.  I have been reading the Old Testament prophet Amos in my Bible reading, and I came across a passage in Amos 2 that caught my attention.  At the time of Amos, God’s people had split in two sub-nations, with […]


Our worship service today, February 14, is cancelled because of the weather.  Stay home, enjoy Valentine’s Day, worship Jesus!

Diamond Hard Hearts – A Warning that Makes me Nervous

They made their hearts diamond-hard lest they should hear the law and the words that the LORD of hosts had sent by his Spirit through the former prophets. Therefore great anger came from the LORD of hosts. (Zechariah 7:12 ESV) Been reading through Zechariah during my time with the Lord.  Zechariah is a prophet whose […]