Genesis Church: Blog - Page 161

Sermon Notes & Family Worship for November 12

Notes sheet from sermon on Abiding in Christ from John 15:1-11 Sermon 45 – Abide Song for this week is Come and Welcome – Indelible Grace version here

Sermon Notes & Family Worship for November 5

For quite a while we at Genesis have been providing a sheet with some thoughts on the text from our sermon and a family worship experience for families.  We have been posting this on our online community, but have decided to post it each week on the Genesis blog as well so it could be […]

#Reformation 500 – A Few Final Thoughts

This past Tuesday marked the 500th anniversary of the day a quirky Augustinian Monk named Martin Luther nailed a document called the 95 Theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenburg, Germany sparking the Protestant Reformation.  I started thinking about this when I registered for Together for the Gospel in 2016, and we […]

Martin Luther Speaking on His Conversion

Martin Luther nailed the 95 Thesis on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenburg on October 31, 1517.  This took place during Luther’s journey away from a dark and difficult struggle to understand how God could justify a wicked sinner.  His legal mind allowed him to see the issue so clearly.  God is perfect […]

Resource List for the Here I Stand series

These are books and other resources being used by Mike in his study, and recommended to you for further interaction with the history of the Reformation and the great Gospel truths that came from this period. Online Resource Here We Stand from Desiring God – This has not started yet, but they plan to publish […]