Genesis Church: Blog - Page 159

Week of Prayer for International Missions – Day 3

December 3-10 is the International Mission Board’s Week of Prayer for international missions.  As a church, the IMB is one of the organizations we support with both our monthly giving and with our Advent Conspiracy Offering at Christmas.  The Week of Prayer Emphasis gives us a chance to both be educated about the work of […]

Sermon Notes & Family Worship – December 3

Notes from sermon on the Holy Spirit from John 16:5-15 Sermon 48 – Holy Spirit Song this week is God Made Low – Sovereign Grace version here We also started Advent Conpsiracy emphasis this week.  Our gifts go to the International Mission Board of Southern Baptists, House of Hope, David Meyer (Church planter in Ecuador), […]

Week of Prayer for International Missions – Day 2

December 3-10 is the International Mission Board’s Week of Prayer for international missions.  As a church, the IMB is one of the organizations we support with both our monthly giving and with our Advent Conspiracy Offering at Christmas.  The Week of Prayer Emphasis gives us a chance to both be educated about the work of […]

Week of Prayer for International Missions – Day 1

December 3-10 is the International Mission Board’s Week of Prayer for international missions.  As a church, the IMB is one of the organizations we support with both our monthly giving and with our Advent Conspiracy Offering at Christmas.  The Week of Prayer Emphasis gives us a chance to both be educated about the work of […]

We need to be Prophetically Clear about the Moment

But they (Simeon and Levi, sons of Jacob) said, “Should he treat our sister like a prostitute.”   (Genesis 34:31, ESV) [1] God has taken his place in the divine council; in the midst of the gods he holds judgment: [2] “How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked? [3] Give […]