Genesis Church: Blog - Page 120

First Corinthians Introduction Guide

Starting a new series tomorrow on the New Testament letter from the Apostle Paul to the church in Corinth we call 1 Corinthians.  I have written a guide to give background information about this book for your study.  To help you prepare, spend a few minutes reading to help you have greater understanding of this […]

Sermon Notes & Family Worship – October 6

Notes sheet from our final sermon in Elements series on the Great Commission. Sermon 4 – Poreuomai New City Catechism – Question #40 Song for this week – What a Friend Showed this video as we launched the Who’s Your One emphasis.

Who’s Your One Materials

We are launching the Who’s Your One campaign today.  As people sent by Jesus to our city with the commission to make disciples, we want to encourage every person in our faith community to identify one person in their life in need of Christ and make it a goal to intentionally pray for that person, […]

Sermon Notes & Family Worship – September 29

Today we had the blessing of having Matthew Smith and Indelible Grace with us in our worship service.  So we focused on why we sing in the sermon.  The worship sheet this week includes an article from Tony Reinke from Desiring God on this topic.  Here are the sermon notes sheet and family worship. Sermon […]

Who’s Your One – Reaching our Community with the Gospel

Today in our worship the sermon was on the Great Commission and the three activities the church must engage to be a part of God’s reaching our city and the nations.  One of those is that we must see ourselves as a sent people, going to our neighbors, friends, family, co-workers, and any others we […]