Category Archive: Theological issues - Page 8

Resources on Creation & Science
Posted January 28th, 2013 by Mike Hubbard

Below is a list of good books & resources on topic, some written by scientists and scholars, about the issue of science and creation. The Case for a Creator by Lee Strobel *This book also has a student version and a children’s version Battle for the Beginning by John MacArthur Evolution: The Challenge of the […]

Questions about Creation – Theories, Ideas, Science, Etc.
Posted January 28th, 2013 by Mike Hubbard

We took a look at the story of creation on Sunday. Time in the sermon did not permit me to examine all the questions this topic raises or the differences of opinions Christians can hold.  Issues such as the age of the earth, what the “days” of creation actually mean, and the discussion between science […]

Wierd Issues in the Old Testament
Posted January 16th, 2013 by Mike Hubbard

As we preach the stories in the Old Testament, and many of our people are reading the Old Testament, a question that often comes up deals with the weird issues in the Old Testament that seem to be contrary to God’s will, but these things are done by the people in the stories.  The main […]

Vote for Jesus, Part 2 – No King But Jesus
Posted November 1st, 2012 by Mike Hubbard

Watch almost any political ad and you will hear messianic type promises.  The ad will point out some problem that they identify as THE problem that has to be solved if humanity is going to go on in America.  They will then share how the candidate that is being promoted is the true hope if […]

Mark Driscoll Writes on Hell at CNN
Posted September 24th, 2012 by Mike Hubbard

This past weekend several of us had the opportunity to go hear Mark Driscoll at the Real Marriage Tour in Indianapolis.  Driscoll is the pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle, and God has provided him a pretty significant platform to declare the Gospel and the core of the Christian faith.  One of the reasons […]