Category Archive: Theological issues - Page 21

Good websites for discernment
Posted August 17th, 2009 by Mike Hubbard

Beware of false prophets, who come to you 9in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.  Matthew 7:15 Since we are talking about discernment and the idea of being careful about the types of teachers we absorb, I thought I’d give you a couple good places to get information about false teachers and good doctrine. […]

Reasons for Fasting in the Bible
Posted May 31st, 2009 by Mike Hubbard

In the message today I mentioned twelve reasons that people in the Bible participated in fasts.  I wanted to post them on the blog in case you missed them, and so you could look up the Scripture texts. Biblical reasons people fast: To enhance depth in our prayers – Daniel 9:3 For self-denial and humility […]

The Gospel – short video from Mark Driscoll
Posted May 8th, 2009 by Mike Hubbard

This is a good, short presentation of our need for and God’s provision in the Gospel.  Thought it was a good video about the core teaching of our church, and might be useful to share with friends who are considering the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Modern Issues and Lying – By Weston Ely
Posted April 29th, 2009 by Mike Hubbard

This past Sunday, we looked at Jesus’ moral teaching about taking oaths. The root of his teaching exposes our tendency to be dishonest. I used four categories to classify the reasons that we lie (Apathetic lies, Cowardly lies, Manipulative lies, and Malevolent lies). I also proposed that loving God and loving others is a formula […]

Thoughts on Good Friday – Why a cross?
Posted April 10th, 2009 by Mike Hubbard

Crosses and crucifixes have become part of fashion, with all kinds of people wearing them and using them, even many who do not follow Jesus.  For example, Madonna has often used crosses and crucifixes both in her wardrobe and as images in her stage show.  With the imagery so prevalent, it is not hard to […]