Category Archive: Theological issues - Page 15

The Rapture and Matthew 24
Posted August 17th, 2010 by Mike Hubbard

We received several texted questions during the message on Sunday, more than we had time to answer during the service, so I am going to write a few blogs giving my answers to those we didn’t get to. Jesus taught in Matthew 24 that the tribulation must come first, then the rapture in Matthew 24:31. […]

Suggested Resources for End Times Study
Posted August 16th, 2010 by Mike Hubbard

If you have been in church for any period of time, you know that people can get consumed in their attempt to understand prophetic ideas and eschatology (the study of the end times).  Way to many times people choose teams on the issues without thoroughly researching other points of view.  Let me encourage you to […]

Gender Roles – Other Resources
Posted August 9th, 2010 by Mike Hubbard

Sunday’s sermon on gender roles and the Bible probably raised a lot of questions and maybe even some disagreements.  So I have decided to post a lot of possible resources for study and interaction with the topic.  If this is a hot topic for you or an issue in which you would like to dive […]

Danvers Statement on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
Posted August 8th, 2010 by Mike Hubbard

In December, 1987, the newly-formed Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood met in Danvers, Massachusetts, to compose the Danvers Statement on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.  The outcome of this meeting was the Danvers Statement which gives clarity to the theological beliefs called Biblical Complementarianism.  The Elders of Genesis have affirmed this statement as accurately expressing […]

Matt Chandler on Homosexuality
Posted August 1st, 2010 by Mike Hubbard

After dealing with this on Sunday, I wanted to post a resource that I found very helpful.  Matt Chandler from the Village Church in Dallas recently gave a seminar to his church.  I have found few people who handled the topic theologically, while at the same time expressing incredible grace.  If you have questions about […]