Category Archive: Sermon Thoughts - Page 7

C. S. Lewis on Praise & Love of God
Posted September 1st, 2019 by Mike Hubbard

Mentioned this quote by C. S. Lewis from his work Reflections from the Psalms. The context is that as an atheist, he saw all of the commands from God to love Him, praise Him, worship Him, honor Him.  At first it seemed as if God was vain, in need of some kind of affirmation from […]

John L Cooper Post on Apostasy
Posted August 18th, 2019 by Mike Hubbard

I pulled a quote from this Facebook post by John L. Cooper from the band Skillet this morning, but I think the entire post is worth reading in light of the recent announcements from some prominent Christians that they were renouncing the faith.  This is nothing new, but the drift begins when we begin to […]

The Prophetic Voice in Daniel 11:1-35
Posted May 26th, 2019 by Mike Hubbard

Daniel 11:1-35 is a prophetic vision given by an angel to Daniel that gives detailed predictions of events that for Daniel were in the future, but for us is in the distant past.  These verses lay out rulers, kingdoms, and conflicts for the period from Daniel in around 535 BC through 163 B BC. over […]

C. S. Lewis – Two Dangers in Dealing with the Unseen World
Posted May 19th, 2019 by Mike Hubbard

Used this quote today by C. S. Lewis from the introduction in his book The Screwtape Letters. Such an amazing book with insight in to how the unseen forces of evil work to ruin our faith, wreck our witness, and destroy our lives.  Well worth the read. There are two equal and opposite errors into […]

Intro to Daniel from Bible Project
Posted January 29th, 2019 by Mike Hubbard

Staring our new Series Exiles on the Old Testament book of Daniel this Sunday. Let me encourage you to spend a few minutes watching this video from the Bible Project giving an overview of the book and the background for Daniel in preparation.