Category Archive: Sermon Thoughts - Page 49

Gospel attitudes about wealth – Stewardship
Posted September 8th, 2008 by Mike Hubbard

During the message last Sunday, I shared four gospel-centered attitudes about wealth and money that need to be nurtured if we, as followers of Jesus, are going to live the gospel with this area of life.  Those areas were stewardship, simplicity, generosity, and contentment.  When Christ graces a person, the outcome is life change, transformation, […]

$1 for the Kingdom
Posted August 31st, 2008 by Mike Hubbard

At church this morning we gave each person in attendance a $1 coin.  We may be the first church in history to pass the offering basket and ask people to take money.  The challenge was to see the $1 as God’s money, Kingdom money, and find a way to make a difference with it.  While […]

Pascal, happiness, and the fire
Posted July 1st, 2008 by Mike Hubbard

I hate when I do this!  On Sunday, I intended to end the sermon with another quote from French mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal.  Pascal was a genius who made significant contributions to scientific and mathematic research.   In fact, some universities provide classes that just deal with Pascal’s mathematics.  His is most known for Pascal’s […]

Martin & Gracia Burnham – Missionaries to the Philippines
Posted May 29th, 2008 by Mike Hubbard

We used a video this past Sunday of missionary pilots, Martin & Gracia Burnham.  These two were captured by terrorists while living in the Philippines.  If you didn’t see the video, click this link. I’ve heard from a few of you wanting more information about their story, so I have found a couple articles from […]

Resources for talking about God and the things of God
Posted May 13th, 2008 by Mike Hubbard

I mentioned that I would publish a blog with some suggested resources for families as they seek to engage their kids in spiritual conversations. I cannot tell you how much I believe that the primary place for the spiritual formation of children and teens should be the home. The church is here to assist what […]